Parent/Teacher E-Safety Advisory Group
Parent/Teacher E-Safety Advisory Group
The safety of children and young people when using the internet and electronic technology (e-safety) is a major concern for parents, guardians, carers, practitioners and broader society. The Northern Ireland Executive recognises the concern and has funded the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland to develop an E-safety Strategy for Northern Ireland and an accompanying Action Plan which will endeavour to enable the safe use of digital and internet technology by children and young people in Northern Ireland.
The National Children’s Bureau (NCB) are leading on this project and are currently contacting a range of schools in Northern Ireland to support us in carrying out this project.
We are asking schools to help us advertise the opportunity for Parents and Teachers to join an advisory group to:
ü Support the development of this project by providing advice on key aspects of project design and delivery.
ü Meet 3 times over the course of the project (the work is to be completed by February 2017.)
As an incentive to attend we will offer: Travel costs to and from meeting; Food and refreshments; and £20 gift voucher for each participant.
To express your interest in joining this group please contact Gill Hassard, NCB Senior Participation Officer: or Tel: 02890 875006 by Wednesday 16th December.
The first meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th January 2016, 6.30-8pm at Belfast Central Mission, 5 Glengall St, Belfast, County Antrim BT12 5AD.
Terms of reference for the group, subsequent meeting dates and venues to be agreed by group members at the first meeting.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact Gill Hassard, NCB Senior Participation Officer: or Tel: 02890 875006