Safeguarding Team
All adults who work in St. Michael’s are vetted in accordance with safe recruitment and selection procedures. All staff receive annual refresher training on Safeguarding and Child Protection and Designated teachers have specialist training every 2 years.
Our Child Protection Policy is updated annually and approved by our Board of Governors. It is accompanied by a Staff code of conduct, an anti-bullying policy and an online safety policy to ensure an integrated approach to safeguarding.
From May 2023, we are an Operation Encompass school. This enables us to receive essential information about pupils who may have experience of domestic violence.
If you have any concerns about a child, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated teachers.
If you have escalated your concern as set out in the above flowchart and are of the view that it has not been addressed satisfactorily, you may revert to the school’s complaints policy. This policy should culminate in the option for you to contact the NI Public Services Ombudsman (NIPSO) who has the legislative power to investigate your complaint.
If a parent has a concern about a child’s safety or suspect child abuse within the local community, it should be brought directly to the attention of the Children’s Services Gateway Team.