St Michael's Primary School, 514 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, County Down, BT6 0BW

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St Michael's Primary School

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Parents' Forum

St Michael’s Parent Forum




Regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued at St Michael’s Primary School. The parent forum aims to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. It facilitates communication between parents/carers and staff and governors. The forum works to:


  • provide feedback on provision

  • offer a parent's perspective on current policy and practice

  • provide input into decision making and planning for future provision


This takes place by:


  • Regular communication with parents/carers

  • Ensuring a diverse forum membership and representation of all aspects of school life



The forum is not in place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parents who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher or the Principal.



Main Aims


  • To ensure effective communication between home and school
  • To help the school find out what parents and carers think about important issues
  • To involve parents and carers actively in school decisions
  • To make plans that support the ways the school wants to develop and improve outcomes for our children
  • To provide feedback on school policies and procedures





The parent forum's membership is made up of parents and carers of children attending St Michael’s Primary School. (See Document on applying to the Parent’s Forum)

Membership includes a member the senior leadership team and the principal.




Mrs Nuala Harkin

Mr Adrian McDonagh

Mrs Elsie Trainor

Mrs Gooding

Mrs Jennifer McNally

Ms Ciara Walsh

Mr Paul Corthorn

Mrs Orla Lonergan





Parent forum meetings are held every half term. The agenda is prepared in advance of the meeting and circulated by email. A typical agenda includes:


  • Items identified by the Board of Governors and leadership team for discussion
  • Items identified by parents and carers for discussion




Minutes are taken and circulated at least a week before the next meeting to everyone who attended the meeting, preferably by email. Copies of minutes are available below.


Contacting the Forum


If you would like to contact the forum email

