St Michael's Primary School, 514 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, County Down, BT6 0BW

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St Michael's Primary School

Courage Courtesy Concern

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Walk To School Week

Walk to School Week 16-20th May


St Michael’s has participated very successfully over the past few years in “Walk to School Week”.

This year we are aiming to improve the number of children taking part and hopefully start a trend where the children walk to and/or from school on a regular basis as part of the WOW campaign (Walk on Wednesdays or Walk Once a Week) or even to walk every day.

By walking to school there are fewer cars and less pollution, there is less congestion, the children have greater daily exercise and are fitter and healthier.  So from Monday 16th May we would like you to consider letting your child walk to school or walk with them. Perhaps some parents may get together and form a “walking bus”. Children should only walk to school on their own if parents are satisfied they are aware of the dangers and use the Green Cross Code.

There are useful ideas on the “Walk to School” web site and by Googling “Tales of the Road” - this is interactive and fun for the children.

Our Eco Councillors will be at the front gate each morning to record the number of walkers and children will be rewarded at the end of the week with a certificate.  Children are invited to take part in a poster competition on the theme of Road Safety.


Teachers will go over the Green Cross Code and Road Safety with the pupils this week.

For those who wish to cycle on this week, we have a few safety reminders.

 The children should always wear a helmet

 They should always wear a high visibility vest

 School bags need to worn correctly so that buckles etc. do not get caught up in the mechanisms and nothing should be carried on the handlebars – both hands need to be on the bars.

 The bike should be locked while in the shelter.

 The children must wheel the bike in the playground.

 The bike should be brought home every day.


Parents need to be confident that their child has a full understanding of the safe way to ride their bike to school before allowing them to do so.
