St Michael's Primary School, 514 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, County Down, BT6 0BW

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St Michael's Primary School

Courage Courtesy Concern

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Our School Christmas Celebrations

 Information on planned school Christmas celebrations.

1)  Our Christmas family event will take place on Tuesday 16th December and will include:

  • A film evening for children and a selection box gift
  • A parent social gathering with tea/coffee, mulled wine and mince pie

           Years 1-3  6.00-7.00pm - The Snowman and the Snow Dog & Mickey Mouse's Christmas 
           Years 4-7  7:15-8:45pm - Arthur Christmas

      Price £2 per child
      If you have children in more than one year group please attend at a time which is suitable for your family.

2)  The Year 1&2 Christmas Concert 'Busy, Busy Bethlehem' will take place in the school hall on Wednesday 10th December at 9:30am

3)  The Carol Service for years 3-7 will take place in the Good Shepherd Church on Thursday 11th December

4)  At Christmas time we encourage our pupils to help those less fortunate. Your generosity in recent years in providing a non-perishable food product has enabled St Michael's to donate hampers to St Vincent de Paul, as well as purchase gifts for children with the proceeds for the 'Bring & Buy' sale. We are asking once again for hamper donations to be brought into school from 1st to 5th December so that a hamper may be made up by each class.

We wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to meeting you at our seasonal festivities.
