Digital Admissions Clinics
Dear Parents
Please find below a message from the EA for parents of prospective Year 1 pupils September 2019
The EA recognises the need to provide Assisted Digital Support for some parents/guardians who want to apply online for a pre-school or primary place.
Some Parents/guardians may need assisted digital support, if they lack:
* trust in the service or the internet
* confidence to use an online service themselves
* access to the internet
* digital skills
* motivation to overcome these barriers on their own
To help parents/guardians overcome these barriers the EA is hosting a number of Digital Admission Clinics. These clinics are being targeted at areas where there is a high number of newcomer families, high levels of social disadvantage and localities with poor access to broadband.
The clinics will operate on a drop in basis and will parents will be assisted in making their online application for a pre-school or primary place. Depending on their wishes/skills this could range from creation of an email address to submission of an application. In addition varying levels of translation services can be accessed at the clinics.
Details of clinics will be available on the EA website and the schedule will be updated regularly as further clinics are arranged.
The following sessions have been arranged for Belfast areas, please feel free to share on your school’s Facebook page or website and also to inform any prospective applicants that you may be aware of.
Upper Ormeau - Ballynafeigh Community Development Association, 283 Ormeau Rd, Belfast BT7 3GG - 16th January - 2pm - 4:30pm
Dunmurry - Colin Glen Library, Dairy Farm Centre, Stewartstown Rd, Dunmurry BT17 0AW - 18th January - 10am - 12:30pm
Cregagh - Cregagh Library, Cregagh Rd, Belfast BT6 0LF - 21st January - 2pm - 4:30pm
Girdwood Community Hub - 10 Girdwood Avenue, Belfast, Antrim BT14 6EG - 22nd January - 10am - 12:30pm