St Michael's Primary School, 514 Ravenhill Road, Belfast, County Down, BT6 0BW

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St Michael's Primary School

Courage Courtesy Concern

Get in Touch - Reaching out to young engineers in Belfast


Arup Belfast was approached by St Michael’s Primary School inviting them to take part in their School Science Week.


The purpose of Arup’s visit was to engage with the children by providing an insight into the world of engineering specifically tailored to each age group which ranged from 4 to 11 year olds. The date of the visit was the highlight of Schools Science Week.


29 staff at Arup Belfast, across all grades and sectors, volunteered to attend the visit and were divided into small groups across the 14 classes in the school. Each group delivered a presentation about Engineering and Arup and highlighted some of the signature global projects. Pupils and teachers had the opportunity to dress up in Personal Protective Equipment to raise awareness of health and safety on construction sites.


Before the session came to a close pupils created a tower structure using dried spaghetti and jelly babies. This fun and interactive activity captured the imagination of the pupils and encouraged them to work as a team to create the best tower possible. At the end of the challenge the towers were judged on height, design and stability.


Arup staff were happy to get involved in this event and all 29 volunteers thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the children who viewed things very differently to them.
